So, to find the serial killer you need to follow the map which points you over a bridge to a ruined cabin, with the code to a locked set of storm doors. Interestingly, this piece of the map comes printed with a set of numbers, and what looks like a safe.Īmerican Dreams - where to find the serial killer with the pieced together map You’ll find the severed head behind the tree. To the east of Braithwaite Manor, on the west side of the road, you’ll find the third serial killer victim, along with the third killer clue piece of the map. Right where the last “S” in Scarlett Meadows is printed on the map, is where you need to go (see screenshot). You need to head down south, past Rhodes and past the civil war battleground at Boulder Blade. The final piece of the puzzle is closer to the road than the last two. The chilling message of “look on my works” is probably the first you’d stumble on if you’ve not looked for this side mission specifically - grim. Strung up on the supports of the railway line is the serial killer’s second victim, and you can find their head - along with the next piece of the map killer clue - stuck to a post up to the left. Again on the north side of the road, you’ll find a torn up body on the trail to the west of Citadel Rock, on the west side of the train tracks. Next, you’ll find the second killer clue piece to the south of Valentine post office and train station (see screenshot). It’s a challenge left by the overconfident serial killer, daring someone to try and find them. Inspect it, and you’ll see that it’s part of a map. To your left, you’ll find a severed head, which contains the first killer clue piece. Here, you’ll find the serial killer’s first victim, displayed with the ghoulish message: “do you see”. Follow the trail of viscera north to the black “X” on your map marked as “corpse”.
Press both the left and right analogue sticks into together to trigger Eagle Eye, and you’ll be able to track what you’re looking for. South of the station, as you take the road southeast towards the Dakota River, you’ll find an eviscerated body on the north side of the trail. The first location on your grisly trail is to the northeast of Strawberry and the southwest of Wallace train station. Do you have the stomach to find the locations of all of the killer clue pieces and track down Red Dead Redemption 2’s serial killer? Red Dead Redemption 2 Serial Killer - Killer Clue map piece locations Do you see?

But for all of the van der Linde gang - except one Micah Bell - guts and gore isn't something to seek out and revel in. In Arthur Morgan's line of work, death and dismemberment are all just part of being an outlaw. To see this content please enable targeting cookies. Out in the wilds of Red Dead Redemption 2's vast landscape, you stumble onto something sinister - a serial killer, leaving messages like “look on my works” and pieces of a map as a challenge to would-be detectives.